Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Phi Phi Don

After a few rainy days, we arrived to the Phi-Phi Islands on a perfect sunny day with blue sky. The journey could only hint on what a beautiful place we where heading to. The ferry made a circle around Phi-Phi-Leh, the smaller of the two islands, before heading towards the harbor in Tonsay bay. This gave us the chance to take probably the best pictures we took during our entire trip.

After arriving we checked in into our room, with the most amazing view:

We felt like the luckiest people alive, not only did we arrive to paradise on earth, but it was the day of the Loy Khratong festival, when Thai people launch flower rafts on the water as a sign of gratefulness for the rainy season and to wash away all the harm they did. Our hotel staff was kind enough to offer all their guests a Krathong for us to float and we all celebrated this nice festival together. They, the hotel staff had a large, extremely elaborated Krathong, prepared with great care throughout the day:

A further element of this festival is the launching of the Khom Fai (the linked video is from Chiang Mai though where since they don't have a sea they only launch lanterns, but a lot of them), a hot air lantern. As soon as we got ready to launch one, a group of nice little local children gathered around us to help out. It didn't take long for our Khom Fai to rise beautifully up into the night sky.

Later in the evening, we enjoyed a spectacular fireshow on the beach before returning to our room for a well deserved sleep:

The next days we spent by enjoying the beach, the perfectly white sand and the "view":

We didn't leave though without climbing up the painstaking 300+ stairs and further steep trail up to the Phi Phi Viewpoint (in tropical heat, TWICE!!!: once for sunset and once for sunrise) which rewarded us with great panoramas over the narrow stretch of inhabited land between the two bays of Phi Phi Don Island:

The only bad part of our visit here was that we had to leave, which wasn't easy :-(
All our pictures from Phi Phi Islands, Paradise on earth

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