Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Summer 2011

OK, so it's been a while since our last blog entry, so we have a lot to catch up on. In the meantime, summer is officially over, with plenty of achievements and fun, too.
First, we finished our moving  and decorations of our apartment, which we have celebrated with couple of house-warmings. This is a view of our "island" from the countryroad above:
From Hagendorn
... and we started to exlore the area around Zug
- by bike:
From Zug and area

- sailig (hmm, did we mention we started to take sailing courses ...?):
From Zug and area

- swimming in the lake (the very best way to relax during lunch breaks :-))
From Zug and area

- hiking at Mt Rigi:
From Mt Rigi

-or, taking the funciular up to the Zugerberg:
From Zug and area

It's been also a time full of family events and birthday celebrations, having barbecue with our parents at the balcony:
From 2011 - Csaladi Esemenyek
From 2011 - Csaladi Esemenyek

And last but not least, the two main reasons for celebrating in the summer of 2011: Zoli's successful EQE (resulting in officially becoming a European Patent Attorney) and our 5th wedding anniversary!!!

From 2011 - Csaladi Esemenyek

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