Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Having double Birthdays ...

... is something I was used to since my childhood. No, it was not because my parents wanted to buy me so many toys! ... but simply because The Big Day fell always in the middle of the summer holidays, so I had to organize my party with the other kids, schoolmates & friends while Everyone was still around. Then, of course, when the real one came, we celebrated it again with my family. As a child, I always hated this double Happy Birthdays and wanted to have a 'normal' one like everyone else, on the REAL day.

But as I get older, things change... no more two-months-summer holidays, but living away from our families, which now not only doubles, but more like triples the number of celebrations. And guess what, I don't mind having two or three B-Days any more - probably a sign of getting older every year... (hopefully not three times faster though)

This year, we started with my first birthday cake back in June at my Mom's place with my family,

and continued drinking & eating when our parents came to Zurich...

In the end, on my real B-day after our full-day-hiking to Trift, both of us (pardon, all three of us including Gulliver) were too tired for my present & drinking, so we postponed the celabration for the coming day.
From Csaladi Esemenyek- Szuletesnapok

... and still, I don't feel like being older ;-))

1 comment:

Krisztina & Zoltan said...

So after numerous B-Day celebrations, you ended up not celebrating on your actual B-Day...